Privacy Statement

Tirza Weeland-Bennekers

You are currently reading the privacy statement of, hereinafter referred to as “2Dutch”. 2Dutch provides translation services from English to Dutch, Norwegian to Dutch and Danish to Dutch.

There are situations in which your data is collected by 2Dutch. It is therefore good that you know what is done with it and how you can indicate your wishes regarding your data. That is what this statement is about. If you do not feel comfortable with the use of your data by 2Dutch, please do not hesitate to contact us!

  • Contact 2Dutch

Your data will be collected if you contact 2Dutch via the website, via Whatt’s app or via email. You will only be asked for the necessary information to be able to offer a proposal or a service, such as your name, company name, email address, telephone number and additional description. The moment you contact 2Dutch via email, the data you send, such as your name, company name, and email address, will be stored on the SMTP mail server. These emails are stored for a maximum of two years.

  • Enter into cooperation

When assignments are carried out by 2Dutch for and on behalf of the customer, data will be made available by the customer. For example, name, company name, e-mail address, telephone number and (other) documents of a confidential nature, which are required to be able to carry out the assignment.

  • Analytics

The 2Dutch website collects your data to improve the website. This is done with AWStats. This data is anonymous and is therefore not linked to your personal data such as name, company name or email address. This includes information such as the duration of your website visit or the pages you visit a lot. The data will only be processed with your explicit consent or for the implementation of the agreements that are entered into. This anonymous data is kept indefinitely within AWStats.

  • Received data

The data that 2Dutch receives and processes is managed by means of internal software. When you contact us by e-mail, those e-mails are stored on SMTP’s servers. The website and website backups are hosted at Transip.

  • Storage period

Your data will be kept by 2Dutch for a longer period of time, but never longer than necessary for the performance of activities; unless we have to keep your data longer due to a legal regulation.

  • Coorporation

2Dutch mainly stores customer files digitally and in the Cloud. We avoid paper copies where possible. 2Dutch handles your data with care; for example, the data store is only accessible via passwords. No physical copies are made of your personal data. Your data is only managed in the aforementioned systems and software. The personal data managed by 2Dutch or by the aforementioned third parties is only accessible via the above software and is protected with a password and, where possible, with a two-step verification. The devices that access your data are each locked with a password. The number of devices that can access your data is limited to only the necessary devices. In addition, your visit to our website is secured by an SSL certificate. This means that your connection to the 2Dutch website is private. You can recognize this security by the lock in front of the URL. In addition, the domain of 2Dutch is signed with DNSSEC. This is an additional tool that makes the ‘signage’ of the website safer and more trusted.

  • Cookies

Additionally, information about how you use our website is collected automatically using “cookies”. Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behavior information. This information is used to track visitor use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity.

  • Right to erasure of data

Do you no longer want your data to be recorded at 2Dutch? Then you have the right to have your data erased.

2Dutch processes personal data on the basis of a legitimate interest, namely a commercial interest. This includes offering services or products. Your data will never be sold to third parties. The data that is mandatory to provide are the minimum data required for offering the services or products. For example, your e-mail address is required for communication and sending translated material. If this mandatory information is not provided, 2Dutch cannot offer the relevant service. If it is necessary to share data that you have shared with 2Dutch with others than the parties mentioned above (for example, to offer a service), your explicit permission will first be requested. 2Dutch reserves the right to disclose the data when required to do so by law or when 2Dutch deems it justified to comply with a legal request/process or to protect the rights, property or safety of 2Dutch. We always try to respect your right to privacy as much as possible.

Do you still have questions? Please feel free to contact us.